Content Security - or when the IT guy just won’t let me create how I need to create…

Having gone through MPAA, TPN and watching people who have been crypto lockered, whenever users turn to myself and the team and say “ergh this is slowing down production” or “at my last place we didn’t have this complexity of passwords” or any variant of the above I just simply grin and bear it, because that means it’s painful, but it’s working.

Quoting a legend in the industry who I’m lucky to work with, “TPN/MPAA is a human security framework not a technology framework”

In simple terms the Trusted Partner Network is the big studios coming together to take security seriously and create a solid framework for how to secure your facility and your content create suites…oh and for everyone that complains TO KEEP YOUR JOB!

the majority of the process is looking at how your facility/business puts in place policies and procedures to handle content, screen content, send content etc. it is not because the IT guy wants a power trip or enjoys ripping out his/her switch fabric and start again, it’s about how the industry can actually do to secure our facilities and take security seriously - something that M&E has been a decade behind on.

so if your company is taking on TPN and securitisation, call us first so we can explain how to not get the same battlescars as everyone else, but more importantly look at it as a positive step that the organisation is taking to keep you in a job and take the industry seriously.

80% policy and procedure 20% technology - it’s easy. The reason you might find it difficult is that someone is trying to corral the ‘magnificent auteur that is telling a story that must be told’,..nah mate, we are trying to get you three movies worth of work not let us get hacked and we are all on the street.

comments/disagreements/hecklers welcome