Our Services

We want you to get value and we want to add value - thats why the team offers a catch-up and a review of what you are looking at doing at no cost and no obligation. A quote, a Support Plan, an SLA a network issue - let’s take a look and see how we can help

A quick 15-30min call makes all the difference in clarifying and understanding the problem you are trying to fix…or the problem you are trying to understand!

Click below for a quick schedule, and we can schedule a brief catch-up


Example Services

Security Pre Audit

Gearing up for a security audit for TPN, Netflix, CDSA, Disney, Marvel, Paramount?  We know what they’ll ask, why they’ll ask it and what the best response will be and the best remediation steps are likely to be….without the pricetag

Business Strategy to Technology implementation

You have a vision for what you want the business to achieve, but you need to make sure that you are making technology investments that support these goals. We can help with that by understanding those goals and working with the market to bring you the best of breed solution to support your goals. 

Vendor & SI to Customer Translation

Slick suit, great powerpoint, jargon and a spot of lunch...deal is done right? You as a customer are not necessarily up with the latest sales drive techniques or vendor branding/go to market messaging that was delivered at the 'sales kickoff'....and nor should you.

We can sift through the ppt transitions, proposals and new lingo to tell you what they are really getting at...and if it makes sense for you.

Project Management

Whats a milestone? Who is driving this bus? How the hell are we supposed to structure this?? We’ve done it from 700 Seat Facilities to 10 seat facilities. High complexity or low complexity we’ve picked the ball and run with it and helped teams execute.

Sales & Technical Proposal Review

The pitch is on the table from the vendor or the systems integrator...the glossy reads well and you think it looks OK but you need a set of eyes to be cast across it to maximise the deal on the table. We can help. With our wealth of experience pitching, crafting, designing and understanding all the moving pieces of a deal WE can help you get what you need, not what's on the table.

Customer to Reseller/SI Translation

Customer isn't 'doing what you want?' Maybe its because you don't understand the facility, what they do, what they want to achieve or what THEIR jargon means. This service is to get a common discussion and a common language that correctly articulates the needs and desires of the customer and reduce the drawn out sales cycles to get to the technology outcome everyone wants.



Sounds simple right? Wrong! Who is handling your internal technical issues? Is that person also working as an editor or a producer internally that happens to be handy at computers? That wont be sustainable - let us help and let us wrangle the support crews for you. From network issue diagnosis, storage performance issues, email dramas. Let us know

SI/Reseller/Vendor selection & assistance

You are a facility and you get 3 quotes, same technology across all 3? So which one do you pick? Price? Value? Serviceability? We can help you with our intricate knowledge of the market, recent market deals, success stories and parts of the reseller/SI ecosystem that should weigh into these decisions.