Media technology is shifting and changing at a rapid rate, faster than ever before. Distribution models, content creation and content monetization have not hit a fixed structure yet. Many businesses in the A/NZ market struggle to keep up with these fundamental shifts and have no technical group to inform or drive change internally.

YO.CTO is your answer to the no CTO problem...give us the CTO burden and we'll help you develop the right technology strategy for your business. Give us the CTO’s project and our squad of architects, sysadmins and PM’s will execute and deliver.

YO.CTO helps your business, regardless of size, understand the multiple levels of technology solutions sales and engagement in the complex media technology landscape. Whether you are an agency, new media, VFX house, post-production facility or broadcaster, the purchasing of technology and tools for your success are more complicated and often the value is not there.

YO.CTO provides an unbiased, balanced viewpoint that is not influenced by brand exclusivity or distribution models.

If the technology makes sense for your business, THAT is the recommendation.